Born and raised Floridian turned comedy writer, of course.
I grew up in West Palm Beach, Florida thinking it was the best place on Earth only to realize later in life, hmm, Earth is pretty big. My childhood was shaped by my literally fresh-off-the-boat Vietnamese mother who arrived as a war refugee, and my shopaholic Canadian step(but-as-real-as-they-get)father who hated the cold so much that he up and left Montreal one day and drove south until it was hot. He met my mother at their mutual place of employment, Burger King. Yes, this is all true.
More true stories: From ages 16-19, I worked as a bank teller at Washington Mutual Bank, just years before it would collapse in the 2008 Recession. While in college I studied writing but wanting to be "practical" and "responsible", I decided I should be a lawyer (lmao). So I worked at two law firms while in school. After graduating, I moved up to Boston and totally changed my mind about the whole lawyer thing and started a career in tech marketing because well, it was the first job that would have me because well, Recession. I then spent a decade working in cybersecurity and social media, so now I'm *TERRIFIED* of the internet.
Some stuff I'm proud of: Most recently, I was a finalist for NBC’s Writers on the Verge fellowship. One of my pilot scripts was a finalist for the Fox Writers Lab and I was the recipient of NBCUniversal and Second City’s Emerging Voices Scholarship Award. I'm a proud alumni of UCB's improv and sketch programs. I'm also really good at finding cool shit at Goodwill. And just this year, I started Uneasy Tiger, a production banner focused on creating films, podcasts and online content featuring diverse creators.
When I'm not making stuff up, I'm dreaming of Chow Chow puppies. When I'm not doing that, I'm probably forcing my teenage siblings to watch my favorite TV shows instead of "that nonsense on TikTok". When I'm not doing that, I'm probably watching videos of Chow Chows on TikTok.